Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Act Locally: Ten Steps Toward Sustainability -- Step 5: Enact Environmentally-Friendly Land Use Laws

The New York Constitution states that "the policy of the state shall be to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty," and the State grants broad authority for localities to enact environmentally-friendly laws. Comprehensive plans and other local laws can protect sensitive areas and native plant species, implement water use and conservation goals, protect trees, and require environmental mitigation measures. Cluster zoning can limit a development's footprint and maintain more contiguous open space. Incentive zoning can encourage developers to use renewable energy, energy efficiency, reduced impervious surfaces, and maintain native vegetation.

Some excellent resources on sustainability and land use:

Smart Growth Network
Nature Friendly Ordinances, James M McElfish Jr., 2004
Westchester Land Trust

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